NM ESTETYKA | mikropigmentacja skóry głowy Warszawa | makijaż permanentny Warszawa


makijaż permanentny Warszawa


"To be as close to nature as possible" - Nataliya Yeremenko

Permanent makeup is a procedure that enhances beauty in a long-lasting way, correcting minor flaws. Thanks to properly selected shades of pigments, makeup harmonizes with natural beauty and adds beauty without the effect of exaggeration. We create daytime makeup that is versatile, adds charm and is suitable for any situation. Skillful pigmentation is delicate and done at the right depth. Makeup must beautify, so over fashion and trends, we focus on naturalness, versatility and non-obviousness.


Contraindications to permanent makeup are divided into absolute and relative contraindications. Absolute ones disqualify from performing the procedure at a certain time or permanently, while relative ones are subject to evaluation by the operator performing the procedure (linergist). Before any procedure, the possibility of performing it should be consulted so that pigmentation takes place at the safest time.

  • Allergy to pigments (possible allergy test), heavy metal allergy, pregnancy, lactation, epilepsy, active cancer, antibiotic therapy, steroid therapy, infection, skin diseases, freshly tanned skin and sun exposure, treatment cycle with acids and exfoliation, fever, weakness of the body, diabetes, heart disease, hormonal and autoimmune diseases, diseases of the retina and cornea of the eye, active inflammation of the pigmented area, anti-acne therapy, taking certain drugs and dietary supplements, herbs.

Before treatment

  • Before the procedure, inform the operator about taking any medications and supplements.
  • Before the procedure, it is a good idea to start moisturizing the skin intensively (not greasy creams).
  • One week before the procedure, do not undergo laser treatments, hair removal, henna, intensive peels and acid therapies.
  • For 2-3 months before eyebrow and eyelid pigmentation, growth conditioners for eyelashes and eyebrows should be discontinued.
  • If herpes happens, a prescription drug (such as heviran) should be used 3 days before and 3 days after the procedure. The dose of the drug is chosen by the doctor.
  • On the day of the procedure, do not drink coffee, alcohol or use stimulants.
  • In the case of lip pigmentation, it is important to remember that smoking immediately after the procedure increases the chance of infection of the pigmented area.

After treatment

The final result of the treatment is the result of the linergist's work and the client's post-treatment care.

Po zabiegu stosujemy się do instrukcji podanych przez operatora. W przypadku pigmentacji brwi, ust i powiek, zalecenia różnią się od siebie, jednak nadrzędnym zaleceniem wspólnym dla wszystkich pigmentacji jest utrzymanie pigmentowanego miejsca w czystości i nie zdrapywanie suchych skórek, gdyż grozi to powstaniem prześwitów i koniecznością powtórzenia zabiegu.  Kolor bezpośrednio po zabiegu jest bardzo nasycony, potem wyłuszcza się i stabilizuje. Ostateczny kolor widoczny jest po 3-4 tygodniach.

Modern permanent makeup is a two-step procedure, that is, we apply complementary pigmentation to the main procedure. During the second visit, we can intensify, cool down or warm up the color, fill in the paler areas, correct the shape. We perform supplemental pigmentation a minimum of 3 weeks after the procedure and a maximum of 8 weeks afterwards.

laserowe usuwanie makijażu permanentnego Warszawa


EXEO Q-SWITCHED neodymium laser effectively removes tattoo and permanent makeup by emitting short pulses of light (less than 10 nanoseconds)
Impulsy są pochłaniane w sposób selektywny przez barwnik tatuażu. Następuje rozbicie barwnika w skórze, a jego mikro-fragmenty są wchłaniane przez układ immunologiczny. Każdy kolor barwnika absorbuje inną długość fali. Zabieg jest bezpieczny, precyzyjny i nie wywołuje trwałych obrażeń skóry. Głowica przeznaczona do usuwania kolorów niebieskich i zielonych pozwala na usunięcie wielokolorowych pigmentacji i tatuaży.


Contraindications include:

  • Diabetes, hemophilia, pregnancy, pacemaker, lowered immunity, infections and colds
  • skin lesions and skin diseases
  • deeply tanned skin
  • medications, especially psychotropic drugs, photosensitizers and steroids

Before treatment

  • Do not sunbathe or use a tanning bed 4 weeks before the procedure
  • one week before the procedure, do not use aesthetic medicine treatments, acid therapy, steroids
  • prior to treatment and on the day of surgery, it is not allowed to use painkillers
  • for 2 months before the procedure, stop using photosensitizing herbs (St. John's wort, nettle, field horsetail)

After treatment

  • After the laser makeup/tattoo removal treatment, we use cooling therapies - cold packs. After 6 weeks, you can start another treatment.
